Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Glass jars painted with Pebeo Vitrea 160 paint

So often I buy craft supplies and never get around to actually using them, but this morning I forced myself to use some glass paints that had arrived following an evening on Pinterest looking at painted glass and reading how easy it is to do. My 60th birthday is coming up, so I thought I would start to collect 60 jars for lights or flowers for the tables. I am having a few friends over! 

It is a bit messy to do. Things I learnt: Don't paint the outside as some folk suggest. It is impossible to put the jar down without fingermarks. Paint the inside. Jars with "shoulders" are difficult to do. The best jar of all was a Bonne Mama jam jar. The paint is easier to apply if it is thinned down quite a lot, but this will make the colour lighter. I used a long Squirrel paint brush and worried as it all looked streaky and there were bubbles as I laid them to dry, but miracle of miracles, most of these disappear as they dry, and I told myself not to stress. No one will notice on the night. I may finish them off with twine around the necks and the names of guests.

You can mix colours, so I may make a purple once I gather more jars! I hope to be able to give everyone a jar when they leave the party. They are left to dry for 24hrs then will be baked in an oven at 160 centigrade to permanently set the paint. I love them!